Alternative treatments to overcome prostate cancer are still widely chosen by people in Indonesia. One way of treatment is to consume medicinal plants that are believed to cure prostate cancer.
However, you need to remember if this alternative treatment can not replace medical therapy or ordinary surgical procedures. So, the use of alternative cancer treatments should be continued in the doctor's watch.
Natural Ingredients Used as Alternative Treatments for Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is cancer that occurs in the male prostate, which is a small gland between the penis and bladder. Prostate cancer usually grows slowly and only requires minimal treatment. Even so, there is also prostate cancer that can spread quickly. Here are some types of natural ingredients used as alternative treatments to help deal with prostate cancer:Pomegranate juice
A study revealed that pomegranate juice might have a preventive and treatment effect on prostate cancer in humans. That's because pomegranates are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which can boost the immune system. However, it still needs further research to support this alternative treatment.Tomato
In some studies, it is known that people who often consume tomatoes or other fruits that are rich in lycopene have a lower risk of cancer. Furthermore, some researchers believe tomatoes can help overcome prostate cancer. However, it still needs further research in determining how lycopene can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.Saw palmetto
Saw palmetto is a type of berry that has long been used as a natural alternative medicine for prostate and urinary disorders. However, eating this type of berries can cause some side effects, and also keep in mind that further research is still needed to ascertain its benefits in dealing with prostate cancer. To treat prostate cancer, medical treatment, such as radiotherapy, radical prostatectomy, brachytherapy, hormone therapy, or cryotherapy, are choices that have proven to be effective. Alternative prostate cancer treatments using natural ingredients have been chosen because they are cheaper and easier to do. However, the effectiveness of these natural ingredients in treating prostate cancer is generally still not certain. Therefore, you are not recommended to use alternative medicine to replace drugs and therapies given by a doctor. You should consult a doctor to get the right treatment.- Dermaga Apung HDPE
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